I am taking a quick step back from my normal entries about the ongoings as a Hollywood Nobody to bring you an important news story. This story is especially important if you are in the market for a new car and are concidering the new 2009 Mazda 6 series.
As some of you may already know, my 2000 Mazda 626 is nearing the end of it's short lived life. That bitch may only be 8 years old but she sure has gotten around. With 112,888 miles on her she has seen the North Shores of Lake Superior, the endless, tiresome, and vast amount of corn crops in Iowa, the wild fires of Oklahoma in early 2006, the dry deserts of Arizona, and lets not forget the warm sandy beaches of Southern California. Come to think of it, she has seen more truck stop restrooms than people three or four times her age...
With that lovely memorial out of the way, let me clear the air by stating that I am not happy that we will soon have to part ways. While it has been a great car and 112,888 miles is a lot, even though other cars can go further. Like my cousins ugly ass Toyota truck from 1992 or something. That whore has around 250,000 miles! As I was saying, 112,88 miles is a lot; however, I do not believe this should be the end of the road for "Missy Mrazda." Alas do to a humongous design flaw by Mazda Motors that they are not willing to fix on their dime, we will soon be forced to part ways.
Last Thursday I noticed that my O/D (Over Drive) light was blinking so I called up the local Mazda dealership to make an appointment to have their "Dr's" take a look at her. Throughout the week while driving the car the O/D light would continuously blink during the afternoon and not blink during the evening.
Early this morning I drove to the Tustin/Irvine area, home of the "Yes on 8" lawn banner to bring Missy into the Mazda Dealership; the prognosis was not good. They said that the fluid in my transmission had turned into a thick tar and that as a result I would need to update the Transmission Cooler Kit. They then told me it would cost $1,300 to update this kit and promised that I would have the car back in for a new Transmission in the near future. At this point they gleefully connected me to George, a sales associate who wanted to tell me all about the new 2009 Mazda 6 series (Which is actually a hot looking car, but at over $20,000 is a little out of my price range.)
Devistated by the news that I would soon have to delve even deeper into debt than I already am, I hung up the phone and waited for the shuttle to pick me up so I could try to enjoy my last few months with Missy; upon exiting the dealership lot, a single tear rolled down my left cheeck catching the sunlight, which cast a rainbow on the roof...A sign from Missy that things would surly be ok.
When I got back to the Anaheim Hills area, I brought Missy to see her normal Dr, Frank, for a second and more valued opinion. Frank told me that the paperwork I held infront of me describing the surgical procedure that Missy would need to buy her a few extra months was called a tecnical service bulletin. He countinued by saying that the Engineering God's on Mount Mazda had created Missy as well as her brothers and sisters with a FN4A-EL Automatic Transmission, which is made by FORD. The inclusion of said transmission resulted in a design flaw, and that I should contact Mazda immediately and demand that they pay for the repairs since it was their fault and not mine.
I quickly skipped back to Missy believing I had found the cure for what ailed her and that we could spend many more years together. When I got home I immediatley called Mazda and explained the situation informing them, that I felt they should pay for my repairs.
Johnathan, the representative from Mazda, dissagreed with me saying that the transmission was a problem, but that the proceedure I held in front of me was the "fix it," for that problem. Since a fix it was easily found there had not been a recall. Since there had not ben a recall, Johnathan Johnathan told me that the entire proceedure would have to be taken from my tiny little pockets. When I asked him if they accpeted pocket lint and an Orbitz gum wraper as legal tender he thanked me for calling and then hung up the phone.
At this time, I was really angry and decided to do a little google research, where I found out that this it not just a problem with Missy's brothers and sisters born in the year 2000, but an ongoing problem that has effected models from 1993 to possibly the 2006 model of the Mazda 6i!!!
I am appauled that Mazda, a company that makes "affordable" cars for the middle class family continued to knowingly install faulty transmissions causing serious design errors for over a decade without a recall!! Not only did Mazda not recall these vehicles, but they also passed the cost of the repairs, which for me could total nearly $7,000 when all is said and done, onto their consumers!!! If I had to guess I would say my car is only worth $2,000...if that!!
When I bought my Mazda, I did not buy it because it was a pretty car, I did not buy it because it was a fast car, which it is not, and I certainly did not buy it because all the cool kids at school drove Mazdas instead of BMW's or Lexus; I bought a Mazda because I was told it was an affordable car and that it was highly reliable...Reliable???? Compared to what???
Click here to read what other people are saying about thier Mazda 626 Automatic Transmissions.
If you currently drive a Mazda 626, 3, or 6 click here to find out what kind of hose could have saved me a lot of money with little cost. It's called a transmission cooling coil.
If you currently drive a Mazda 626, 3, or 6 click here to find out what kind of hose could have saved me a lot of money with little cost. It's called a transmission cooling coil.
If you are currently thinking about buying the New 2009 Mazda 6 series, make sure you ask them questions about the new transmission they have installed I believe it's called JATCO.
You crack me up. Sorry to hear about Missy....but this was very funny. "Land of the yes on 8 signs" and her regular doctor, "Frank"...funny!
Yes...your post WAS extremely funny. You have the amazing knack of bringing comedy out of a bad situation. I will definitely talk to my friend at CBS and KCAL 9 news. This is not right and needs to be handled NOW. Justice will be done in the name of Missy Mazda!
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